#FLYFebruary: First Love Yourself February

Hi luvies! I bet being done with midterms is a huge reliever! Now that February (the month of Valentine's Day) is starting, I'd like to start off this month with a crucial message everyone needs to understand.

Today, social media has shaped our society where everyone has a specific standard to "beauty." Being beautiful apparently means piling yourself with tons of makeup, wearing six inch stilettos every day, and starving yourself to achieve a perfect waistline. But doesn't maintaining a fake persona every single day tire you out? In this era, everyone has problems, whether it be physical, mental, or social. So what if you have panic attacks? So what if you have acne? So what if you have uneven skin tones? So what if you have a giant birthmark? We all have our own flaws, whether it be seen or unseen. Despite these flaws, there's always someone who will love you. But it has to start with loving yourself. True love is being accepted for who YOU are. 

It's why I'm starting this month off with #FLYFebruary. "First Love Yourself" February. This month is filled with love, hearts, and cupids. But I believe you must First Love Yourself in order to love others.

No one is perfect.

It's these little imperfections in our life that shape our day and make each day extraordinary. It's what makes them unique. I personally am very clumsy. But it's these little moments that I savor, because they're the moments that I'm able to share with my friends and laugh about. 

What I want to stress? 
Be yourself. 
Be comfortable in your own skin. 
Be confident. 
Be clumsy. 
Be your unique standard. 
Most importantly, be happy and love yourself :)

Here's a quote I'd like to share with you, which I love:

"Confidence is the only key. I know a lot of people who aren't traditionally 'beautiful'- not symmetrical or perfect bodied or perfectly skinny. But none of that matters because all that shines through is their confidence, humor and comfort with themselves. I can't think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself."

xxx, C



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