Hey Y'all! Alright, so I confess... I feel SO bad for not posting for a few weeks. But I never thought school would occupy so much of my life. It's been a CRAZY few weeks. There hasn't been a break since I began school! But hey, I guess this is going to be my life all year!

So I've gained a few School/Life Hacks. There's apps, tips, time management tricks here and there. They've helped me quite a lot, I hope they help you too! (PS. NOT Sponsored!)

1. SelfControl App
Basically, you open the app and there's a "Blacklist" for websites that you don't want to go on for a set amount of time. You can adjust the list and the time. However, once the timer begins, it can NOT be reversed! This prevented me from spending all my time on social media! Along with being sidetracked by social media, leave your unneeded tech devices in another room. If I leave my phone
in my room I end up hearing the vibration or the screen lights up. Just leave it in the living room.

2. Ctrl+F
(For Mac Users)
Ever need to do hours of research for a paper but can't find the right words/topic? Use Ctrl+F! Once you open a website, just hold Ctrl and F. This will open a search box for you to type in words that you're searching for on that page! The words will be highlighted when it's found on the page.

3. Binder Clips as Bookmarks!
Need a quick bookmark? Feel like paper bookmarks always rip? Use a binder clip! Clip all the pages that you've read already together. It's easy to flip!

4. Post-it Notes on Laptops and Computers!
Although we always try to write our to-do lists in planners. But when we remember something on the spur of the moment, we just HAVE to write it down and remember it. But post it notes often get lost. STICK THEM ON YOUR LAPTOP COVER! I always do this. Every time I leave my laptop, I'd close the cover. The next time I open it, I see the post it on the cover! Put it somewhere that distracts you.

5. Use the Pomodoro Method
Sounds weird. But the Pomodoro Method is the 25-5 method. Study for 25 minutes, take a break for 5 minutes. Scientific studies have proven that this method actually works because you end up remembering more things AND your brain won't feel crammed. You'll be able to digest everything quicker, which will help you recall later on. ALWAYS KEEP A TIMER ON! Also, don't forget to come back to studying after that 5 minute break!




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